1. Collection Of Data :
Sonic Ads collect the following information from your website :
a. Webpage home server domain names, IP address, type of client computer, and type of Web browser
b. Data you provided to us through online forms.
c. The e-mail addresses and telephone number you are communicating with us.
d. We collect your personal or financial information
e. Any other data collected from you.
We use this data for Website and System Management . We do not sell, trade or rent your personal information to any third party.
2. Sharing Of Information :
We will be sharing those data with employees of Sonic Ads . We give it to accountant, audit team and other professional service providers to their necessary duties to perform their work. In all of these every time it is electrically signatured or having signed documents indicating the information confidentiality.
3. Quit Policy:
Any Publisher or Advertiser may quit from participation in the Sonic Ads network agreeable to their respective terms and conditions at any time. Quitting from our network has no effect on any other contractual obligations between the party and Sonic Ads.
4. Cookies:
We use cookies to track the visitors sent by network affiliates . We collect the http cookies information for the purpose of tracking the visitors of network merchants. This merchants will ensure affiliates get credited for merchants. This allows us to improve your experience and to login without re-entering the Email id and password.
5. Privacy Policy of Consumers:
Sonic Ads is not responsible for the privacy policies of our network advertisers and publishers. If any concerns regarding that entities, policies and practices should contact the individual publisher or advertiser.
6. Other sites:
We provide advertising links to many websites. We are only responsible for the content of the advertisements delivered through our system. We have no responsibility for the content of those websites outside to our network advertising campaigns.
7. Contact:
If you have any questions about this policy you can contact us by mail at the following address:
Sonic Ads
3/F, Chinachem Tower,
34-37 Connaught Road Central,
Central Hong Kong
Email: [email protected]